Configurator - Excel has stopped working (Work Around)

Excel 2016 has updated and has issues with the way the Configurator accesses it's data and upon opening the Configurator, Excel will crash and report that 'Excel has stopped working. While we wait for either Microsoft to release another update or we get the Configurator re-worked to permanently fix the problem, we have come up with the following work around.

  1. Open an NEW Excel document.
    • In the start menu, find 'Microsoft Office'
    • Click on the 'Excel 2016' icon
    • Double-Click on the 'Blank Workbook' template to create a new Excel file
  2. Turn on  'Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)'
    • Click 'File'
    • Click 'Options'
    • Click 'Advanced'
    • Scroll down until you get to the 'General' section
    • Check the box next to 'Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)'

    • Click 'OK'
    • Close Excel




It is possible that this work around will cause the following error to occur:


This error is an annoyance, however it will not affect the operation of Excel. Please click okay when it appears to continue working on your Excel file. This is a temporary work around until a permanent solution is made available.

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