How Do I Use SonicWALL NetExtender?

With NetExtender installed, you can securely connect to the company network outside of the office. Below is the information required to use NetExtender.

Note: If NetExtender is not installed, see How to Install SonicWALL NetExtender

  1. Click on Start > SonicWALL NetExtender > SonicWALL NetExtender. Alternatively you can click on the  icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

  2. Fill in each field as indicated below:
    Server –
    Username – Your Windows Username
    Password – Your Windows Password
    Domain – shanahans.local OR

Note: You can lock out your account by logging in with the incorrect password too many times. See User Account Lock Out Policy for more info.

  1. Change the dropdown to “Save user name & password if server allows
  2. Click Connect

  3. If you receive a 'Security Alert' like the one below, please click 'Always Trust'

  4. The first time you connect to NetExtender, you will also see a an Authentication Alert like below
  5. If NetExtender requires an update, you will see the message below; otherwise proceed to step 9. This upgrade will proceed automatically if required.
  6. NetExtender will display your connection status. You can now click the minimize or close button on this window (do not click 'Disconnect' unless you are intentionally disconnecting from the office network). NetExtender will remain running in the background.
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